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Studies show that gummy smiles become noticeable when 3mm or more of gums show when smiling.
We understand that having a gummy smile can make a person very self-conscious, causing them to hide their smile. But you do not have to live with a gummy smile. Let us work with you to determine the underlying cause of your gummy smile to provide you with the proper treatment plan. You will leave our dental clinic with the smile you’ve been dreaming of.
Gummy smile treatment may provide one or more of the following improvements:
- Allow your teeth to be the focus of your smile
- Expose more teeth more evenly
- Improve confidence when you’ve always been afraid to smile
- Enhance fullness of the upper lip
- Create a smile that looks relaxed
- Achieve harmony and balance between your smile and the rest of your face
The appropriate gummy smile correction will depend on what’s causing it.
The two ways to fix this is to prevent the upper lip from moving too far upwards or increase the length of the teeth to reduce the amount of gum shown.
At EMCAS, we offer treatment options that will give you your confidence back and will help you to choose which treatment option is best for you. Depending on the nature of your specific clinical condition, treatment could include one or more of the following:
  • Same-day laser treatments (in minor cases).
  • Orthodontics (braces): If the positioning of the teeth and jaw are making your gums stick out and look more prominent, such as in the case of an overbite, braces or Invisalign can be helpful.
  • Surgical sculpting of the gingival tissues and bone to create healthier and more attractive looking gum contours.
  • Surgical lip repositioning.
  • Maxillofacial surgery to reposition the bone.
By bringing your teeth and jaw into alignment, we can help reduce the amount of gums showing when smiling
 The EMCAS team is committed to providing exceptional dental care that also fits into your busy schedule! We will also give you all your treatment options to help you choose the level of care you want.
 At our practice, we use minimally invasive dentistry. This consists of techniques to help preserve tooth structure without overuse of “drilling and filling” and other invasive measures. Just as the word implies, this type of dentistry concentrates on using the least amount of dental intervention to conserve the health of your teeth. In minimally invasive dentistry, the removal of any part of a tooth structure is kept to only the minimal amount necessary to restore the tooth to its optimum state. This can be done in modern dentistry through the latest scientific advances.
CT Scan
 The dentists you will see at EMCAS will be an experienced dentists who has been treating patients for many years in Vietnam, so you know that you will be in good hands. They will let you know their findings and you will have the opportunity to address your expectations and also decide what level of treatment is best for you. While your dentist will provide the expert guidance you deserve, your questions are always welcome and you always have the final say in your treatment.
 We understand that not everyone enjoys dental treatment, that’s why we want to make your visit as comfortable as possible. EMCAS brings calmness and pain-free to the patients. Many a times, the patients drift away into sleep which gives us uninterrupted time to work on their teeth!
 For the assurance of patients, all instruments used in the clinic undergo the most stringent sterilization process. Instruments are washed, chemically disinfected and packed in individual pouches before undergoing high-pressure saturated steam using digital autoclaves.
Taking care of your general health and your mouth is the key to making the most of your smile. If you haven't visited your dentist or dental hygienist for a long time, make sure to contact us to book an appointment.
There are a number of causes of a gummy smile, however, the most common ones are:
- Teeth that appear short because they erupted improperly and remain partially covered by gum tissue
- Teeth that are small in comparison to the gums due to genetics or wear
- An upper lip that is too short
- A hyperactive upper lip that is normal in length when the face is resting but lifts too high when smiling
exposing a lot of gum tissue
- Gums that are long or enlarged, known as gingival hypertrophy
- An overgrowth of the upper jaw, called vertical maxillary excess, that makes gums bulge out.
Gummy smile correction is ideal for who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their gums and teeth. If your gums show more than you like when you smile, or if your teeth appear short or small due to your gums, then gummy smile reduction may be able to give you the smile you want.
During the procedure, the doctor will cut into the gum area to reshape its appearance. If soft tissue needs to be removed in spots, a laser is used to do so safely and with minimal bleeding. The soft tissue laser cauterizes the wounds so that no sutures are needed. Most patients report this procedure to be very quick and relatively painless.
Lip repositioning surgery:
A small band of gum tissue is removed from under the lip, then the gum tissue is sutured into a lower position. The procedure usually takes about 45 minutes to complete.
In most surgery cases, the gums will appear to be back to normal within a few days or so. But they can also take several weeks to completely heal. Your gums may look a little bit bloody straight after the treatment but usually within hours they will have healed up. Eat soft, cool foods, such as eggs, pasta, yogurt, cottage cheese, soft vegetables, and ice cream, for the first few days after surgery.
You'll need to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist a week or so after the procedure so that they can make sure you're healing properly and the surgery is successful.