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Acne sometimes treated with oral or topical antibiotics and astringents, but for those who have developed a resistance to these medications, a more aggressive, but non-invasive approach, can be a better solution
Do you continue to break out despite having tried several acne treatments? Laser treatment is a proven way to make dramatic improvements to your skin.
The word LASER is an abbreviation of Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation. This describes the way in which laser works: light rays are artificially generated, controlled and used to penetrate human tissue to correct a number of medical and cosmetic issues.
Acne bacteria and skin oil can be minimized by laser treatment and can also have anti-inflammatory effects. Laser and light acne therapy is a procedure that utilizes laser energy or light to penetrate the skin with maximum sebum inhibition depth and destroy certain bacteria that cause acne, such as: Propionibacterium acnes, P. Staphylococcus, oval,... Nd.YAG laser toning, Erbium, CO2, IPL, LED, Spectra XT... are commonly used.
                   Trị mụn bằng laser
Trị mụn bằng laserTrị mụn bằng laserTrị mụn bằng laser
Trị mụn bằng laser
  • The treatment addresses moderate to severe outbreaks of acne;
  • Once the light penetrates the skin, the prevention of new acne occurs;
  • Minimize the use of oral medicines;
  • Suitable for medication allergy, hepatitis, elevated liver enzymes, or people with a history of medication treating such diseases, such as: endocrine, cyst, fibroid...
  • Pitting scars are diminished;
  • Cleansing of black scars, narrowing of pores and firming skin.
Laser acne treatment
Customers will have a course, depending on the seriousness of acne:
5 -> 10 times repeat in 3 months, 6 months or 1 year.
Each time takes around 1-2 hours every 1 week, 2 weeks or 1 month.
The results depend on each particular case: seriousness, age, and medical problems associated with it.
Before having the acne treated, it’s important to understand what acne is, the causes, and how the procedures we perform correct the problem of breakouts and scarring afterward. Our dermatologist will also note what types of acne you have and where the breakouts appear on your skin. This helps your dermatologist create an effective treatment plan.
NOTE: We recommend that people who are pregnant, experience seizures, have photosensitivity disorders like lupus avoid having the treatment. Patients should not use particular products before the treatment like Retin A, Tazorac, oral antibiotics or medications prohibiting sun exposure.
Aftercare and maintenance
The treatment is pain-free, but there might be a mild discomfort. Redness and swelling are common after treatment with many lasers and light treatments. Laser treatment is also likely to be highly sensitive to sunlight, so it’s important to wear a high sun protection factor after treatment, even on cloudy days.
Please also don't skip your post-op follow-ups.